Social structure in India doesn't encourage Adventure biking
or cross country biking, hence the community was formed where
in like minded bikers could interact and get enough encouragement
to live life the way they wanted to, on the ROAD. Result, 60kph
has been consistently doing long distance riding since 5th Jan
2002 when it was formed and as the miles clocked in, the club
and its members earned respect.

A philosophy of the club - "You can never come back from
a ride". This is one reason why true bikers feel the
need to ride more often than others, to experience different
places and interact with different people. And we at 60kph are
constantly looking for riders who share the same philosophy,
look at the road the way we do and are eager to share their
The brotherhood of bikers is where the true feeling of travel
is shared, Anxieties & difficulties; adventures and flat
tyres are better understood. Hence, it's better to hear about
places and people from a biker rather than from a guidebook
or an arm-chair traveler. Travelogues on the site aren't meant
to spoon-feed a wannabe traveler about places to see, places
to stay, etc. Instead they will be more about the rider's state
of mind and how did the place alter it. Strange lands can overwhelm
or frighten you, can make you feel happy or sad and that's what
the travelogues will render to the reader, giving you a subconscious
insight about the place and the rider.
60kphers believe that the two elements can be best experienced
on two wheels. The road and the ride teaches the rider a lot
of things and the best way to realize it consciously is to share
it with others.
As one 60kpher puts it, "but then there are times and places
and people you want to describe your orgasms to."
60kph - Romancing The Roads.
P.S. - 60kph doesn't mean we ride at 60kph :-) Biking in India is not about speed or movement but rather, stillness. One can understand this only when he rides on the small lonely stretches absorbing the ever changing culture, people and customs.
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