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Pillion Rider

It was Sunday (Feb. 1, 2004) and I was planning to visit some place on the NH-8 beyond Jaipur. As I was doing the necessary packing early in the morning, an altogether different game-plan was proposed and I readily accepted. Ride to Agra will be boring, were my initial thoughts. But Delhi to Agra section of the NH-2 is a pleasure to ride on. Smooth cruise coupled with beautiful sights on both the sides of the road constituted a memorable experience for my pillion rider and me. Oh yes! I should introduce the pillion rider to you all. My Mom’. You murmuring, “For heaven’s sake, don’t……..” ? Seriously, guys and gals, riding with mom made it all the more interesting. Imagine! I was riding with one of the most important souls for me.

I am sure the number of riders will be petty few who have rode the bullet on a 500 km round trip with their Moms’ on the back-seat. After my experience with the same, all I can say is that go ahead and do it if you can afford to. You are going to love it. To further allay the fears of some souls, may I add that my mother is afflicted with Cervical Spondilitis and arthritis-stricken leg joints? With that we came back home at 1am. (Feb. 3, 2004) withstanding the harsh chill in and around Delhi. The main precaution I took was to give a 5-10-minute break after every hour of driving. This enabled her to relieve the leg muscles. Finally, Spirit is what matters. I hope our club, 60kph, has a seat booked for her :-)

Paraj Shukla

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