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19-20-03 20-10-03 21-10-03 22-10-03
(latest ride update)
(latest ride update)

A delayed start at 7.30.

We ride out of Gir towards Junagarh. The roads are similar to ones we took while reaching Sasan, good surface rolling up and down through the forest.

2 hours on, we pass through Junagarh, a former princely state, and stop for breakfast and also send the data to dean for upload. We cruise further towards Gondal, another princely state. A minor mishap when we reach Gondal at 12.30. A rogue kid hurls a stone at Vaibhav and smashes his headlight. The helmet visor prevents any injury to eyes from the shattered glass, lesson learnt. Thanks offered to divinity.

The palace at Gondal is not a very distinguished structure in its size or detail, but houses two beautiful things the guys get hooked on to.

One is the personal railway coach of the Maharaja. Teak panelled, a siting room, dining, bedroom with 4 berths, 2 toilets and a small kitchen with a wood burning stove and old brass toggle switches. The coach is no longer in active use and parked next to a strip of mock platform, complete with benches and a board announcing the station of GONDAL. Everybody clicks snaps here waving out of the door like a bollywood hero. LOL

The other is the collection of about 70 cars from the vintage era to the modern. Its nice to know the passion of the royal families for the automobile. It would have been great had they been bitten by the motorcycle bug too. The oldest car dated to 1907, Gondal's first car, aptly named "GONDAL 1", giving it company were cars from all the greatest marquees the Rolls, Daimler, Cadillac, Jaguar, Oldsmobile, Corvette, Ford, etc.

By the time we finish ogling its time for a quick lunch and hitting the road again. The target for guys headed bombay via. baroda for the day. Satish and Anand start for bangalore and Hyderabad before lunch to cover up the longer distance.

By 4.00 we are cruising on the NH8B again, a beautiful four lane highway with moderate traffic, towards Bagodra, where the Bombay and Ahmedabad guys split.

But due to mechanical problems, we manage Bagodra only by 8 and its too dark to ride further on. Aviral drops off Farida to Ahmedabad railway station (60 kms away), she makes it in time to catch her train at 10.00.

Amol and Tejas decide to hang on at Bagodra with the Bombay guys rather than leave for Ahmedabad. Spend the night at a dhaba.

Smit has a wonderful birthday, on the road...




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